A Word With Warren

Warren Cooks was born in 1966 to the union of his Senior Mr. Warren & Francis Cooks in West Helena, Arkansas. After a few months on this earth his parents migrated to Chicago and moved to the Austin community on the west side. Mr. Cook’s parents conceived twelve children but Warren was the only child to survive.
He later came to the realization that he had purpose, although throughout his childhood he was raised on modest means in a dysfunctional environment. It is that same environment that produced the Man of God he has become to this day.
Warren is a great communicator, he is influential and he has tremendous social skills. His infectious personality affords him a seat in any room he enters, and his passion for people and his love for God embody a testament of being the one, of the twelve.
Although Warren excelled in school, he learned very early that his ability to process and disperse information was far from the norm, and where he didn’t fit in well with other children his age, he found a comfortable level in the presence of adults.
His life choices –both good and bad- have become his platform for growth, and his passion for Christ sets the stage for excellence. Warren is meticulous in everything he does, and the opportunity to be a vessel for God’s people will allow him to flourish in the gifts, skills and talents he has been blessed with for the airwaves.